Tuesday, January 8, 2019

"Bad" Website #1: tumblr

Okay - "tumbr" is not actually too terrible a website, the title was a joke... It does have this nasty stigma of being a trashzone though. Something about the various communities being overly cancerous or something; with the stereotypical tumblr user being assumed by the masses to be your typical "tRIGGerED-happy" "Social Justice Warrior" who will fight you on site if you deject their ideals. The funny thing is though - is that all websites are actually at least a little like that too, aren't they? People are just so touchy with their beliefs and opinions... I'm pretty sure petty arguments and the like are had everywhere, really. Maybe it would be easier to say that any website featuring human interaction at all can potentially be "bad" and leave it at that...


  1. This so true! I'm a fan of tumblr but twitter took over. Anyway, I completly agree, the people on tumblr come at you if you disagree with their favorite color.

  2. I don't think the design of the Tumblr site is bad. However, I do agree the people on there can be a little closed-minded and that the site could maybe make some things easier to find.
