Saturday, January 12, 2019

Good Website #4 Blogger

I'm not 100% sure I even need one more review to fufill the assignment requirements, as I already have five posts, but just in case... here we go!!! as the name would imply is an intuitive little Internet blogging website that apparently used to be called Blogspot before getting bought out by the world dominators from Google at some point in history. My time with Blogger has truthfully only been the duration of this assignment, but even from that experience alone I can say with decent confidence that the site is of pretty decent quality. It's simple to make a blog, and seems customizable enough to not feel too limiting compared to something like the defaults you have to stick with on a site like Facebook.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Good Website #3:

Oh! Now - this place is quality...

I try to make it a consistent effort of mine to program and create my own little computer video games every now and again. And as it turns out, a lot of people have a similar passion for that, and this is just one such site out there where those kinds of people can conglomerate and collab. There's fun little Game Jam contests to motivate development, solid representation of indie titles throughout, and just all-around good vibes on If you like cute, indie video games you should definitely check it out within your lifetime. 

"Bad" Website #1: tumblr

Okay - "tumbr" is not actually too terrible a website, the title was a joke... It does have this nasty stigma of being a trashzone though. Something about the various communities being overly cancerous or something; with the stereotypical tumblr user being assumed by the masses to be your typical "tRIGGerED-happy" "Social Justice Warrior" who will fight you on site if you deject their ideals. The funny thing is though - is that all websites are actually at least a little like that too, aren't they? People are just so touchy with their beliefs and opinions... I'm pretty sure petty arguments and the like are had everywhere, really. Maybe it would be easier to say that any website featuring human interaction at all can potentially be "bad" and leave it at that...

Good Website #2: YouTube

Bet you have definitely don't already have an opinion on this one. YouTube is the premiere video-sharing website out there; for better or worse (RIP Viddler, Dailymotion, and the rest of yal). Sure the UI sometimes changes for the worse, and the incessantly bothersome recommendations and advertisements can be annoying, but we'll always keep crawling back to good ol' YouTube no matter what; it seems. At least you can just download "Adblocker" or something to make the experience a bit more pleasant. 

Good Website #1: reddit

"reddit" is a fun little social news dispensing kind of website. If you've ever wanted to have a rather immediate discussion about something with someone, chances are there is a subreddit in existence for whatever topic you had in mind, and your wish can be granted. It's essentially one giant forum; if you've ever been to one of those. The information is just made a lot more easily noticeable due to how nicely everything is sorted and displayed for mass consumption. I would recommend reddit to another human being; pretty good site.

Who am I and what is going on I think

HELLO WORLD of my fellow COP3813 classmates.

I am not entirely sure of the requirements to this assignment. I think I'm supposed to briefly review a couple websites across a couple posts, or something. So get emotionally ready for that, because it's coming. "It" being the series of blog posts I am going to write.